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Did you get a call about a sudden out-of-state job opportunity? Have you decided to move out of that apartment you share with the bad roommate? Did a cash offer come in on the house? No matter why you are doing it, moving in a hurry is a hectic experience.

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When you’re getting ready to relocate, there’s a lot to figure out! One of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing a dependable moving company. You want to make certain your priceless belongings and valuables are under the care of experienced professionals.

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Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, many people still need to move. Leases are ending, home sales are wrapping up, and you have to relocate. Thankfully, it’s still possible to move with the help of professional movers like 495 Movers, Inc.

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So, you’ve noticed that a few items went missing during the move. Or else, they were damaged by the moving and storage company in transit. While it’s upsetting to see something you own and love broken, you can get recompense by filing a moving insurance claim with the company.

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When it comes to moving a piano, there’s no easy way to get the job done right. Piano relocation is a delicate and arduous process that requires careful planning and action. In fact, several moving and storage companies throughout the country focus solely on providing this service.

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For some, planning a long distance move includes more consideration than furniture and appliances. If you have a fine art collection of any kind, special care needs to be taken in order to ensure no damage happens during transport.

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COVID-19 is having an impact on both our daily lives and our business. This is a difficult and unprecedented time and we wanted to personally reach out to each and everyone of our customers.

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Long-distance moving can be challenging in many ways, but a reliable moving company can provide the services you need for a simple and safe relocation. However, professional movers have limitations on what they are able to move, and this includes household plants.

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Long-distance moving is challenging enough without a potential legality thrown into the mix, and that’s precisely what you could face if you break a lease agreement. So, if you’re planning a relocation before your lease is up, don’t hire professional movers just yet.

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Relocation, regardless of whether it’s a local or long-distance moving project, is something that many people dread. The entire process from the moment you decide to move to the unpacking of the final box in your new home can be extremely busy and stressful.

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