donation pile

One of the best ways to prepare for your upcoming local or long-distance move to Rockville, MD is by decluttering your home. By getting rid of items you don’t need, you’ll make packing and transportation much easier and better on your wallet!

Organize Your Pre-Move with a Cleanse

As you declutter your home, categorize items into three piles: keep, donate, and discard.  Unsalvageable items can be responsibly disposed of, while gently-used items can find new homes through donations to local charities or a successful moving saleTo streamline this process, consider these 10 decluttering tips when preparing for your move.

  1. Excess Items: Do you have a cabinet overflowing with mismatched mugs? Free up space by parting ways with any rarely used or chipped dinnerware or decorative items.

  2. Refresh Your Wardrobe: Evaluate your clothing. Donate clothes that no longer fit and recycle anything too worn out for continued use.

  3. Electronics: Sort through that tangled box of electronics – discard outdated devices, recycle excess cables and accessories, and dispose of unnecessary chargers.

  4. Tools: Certain items like flammable liquids, corrosives, and combustible materials are prohibited on moving trucks. Identify and safely dispose of leftover paint, old rags, and household cleaners before your move.

  5. Office Supplies:  Recycle or toss out any used-up notebooks, random sticky notes, and other used-up supplies. Make sure to test items like markers and pens to see if they’re dried out.

  6. Expired Goods: Check your pantry and fridge for expired medications, perishable items nearing their end, and non-perishables better suited for a local food bank.

  7. Old Toys: Involve your children in the decluttering process! Encourage them to donate gently used toys they've outgrown to friends, siblings, or local donation centers.

  8. Revamp Your Linen Closet: Do a quality check on your towels and linens. Donate or repurpose what you no longer use, and keep only the items that truly spark joy.

  9. Toiletries: Dispose of expired makeup, empty bottles, and any toiletries you no longer need.

  10. Furniture: Moving is a perfect opportunity to update your style. If a piece no longer brings you joy or doesn't fit the new space, consider selling it, donating it, or responsibly disposing of it.

Rockville, MD Movers

Get Help From a Rockville, MD Moving Company Near You: 

Need help preparing for your move? Turn to a Rockville moving company near you. At 495 Movers, we’ve made moving easier for households and businesses for over 15 years. Our moving and storage company can cover all of your needs—from packing to transportation—so you always have professionals at every step.

When you work with our certified movers, you’ll receive reliable, BBB-accredited service.

Contact us today to learn more about our moving plans and junk removal services, or fill out our online form to start with a free quote!