495 Movers packing boxes stacked in room in house

Moving is more than just putting your belongings into a box and loading them into a moving truck. You have to take certain steps to ensure the space you’re leaving is in good condition for the next residents. Whether you are renting or selling, here are a tips on how to prepare your old home before you move out: 

Empty & Sort Out Your Belongings

If you are packing yourself, don’t forget to clear out any storage areas in the house. Go through all closets, cabinets, the attic and basement making sure you empty them of all items you won’t be taking with you. For the items you will be packing, always label them in boxes by room.

Bonus Packing Tip: Start sorting your items by making keep, donate, and throw away piles. Get rid or donate any items that are broken or you no longer need. Remember, the less items you move, the lower your moving expenses will be.

Repair and Touch Up

Now is the time to patch up any holes in the wall, fix leaky faucets, or touch up where paint is needed. You aren’t doing a whole remodel but you want to make sure you leave the old place in good condition for the next family who moves in.

Prep Utilities and Disconnect 

Reach out to your utility companies a few weeks before your move date to turn off your electricity, water, gas, and internet after you move. You’ll also want to be sure to unplug any appliances and defrost the freezer at least 24 hours before moving.

Junk Disposal 

Before throwing out the items you don’t want or need, determine if they can be recycled or donated to local charities. Take the items that are no longer salvageable to your local transfer station or schedule a tack pickup for the things you can’t move yourself.

Bonus Moving Tip: Before spending money on a dumpster rental, reach out to your moving company to ask if they offer junk removal.

Clean and Refresh 

Once you've packed the items you’ll be moving, take this time to deep clean your space. Deep clean the fridge and scrub the inside of your oven and microwave. Don’t forget to do a good vacuuming and mopping of the floors and dust away any cobwebs from the ceiling fans and vents. 

Final Walkthrough 

Before saying goodbye to your old home for good, do a final walkthrough on moving day after all items have been loaded on the moving truck. Look through all rooms, closets, and cabinets to ensure that nothing is left behind. Plus, don’t forget to check all exterior doors and windows to make sure they are locked before your final departure.

Whether you’re moving from a one-bedroom apartment or a three-story house, there are a few things to get your home in order first. Start by sorting out your belongings and getting rid of the items you no longer need. Then, tackle any small repairs and give your space a good clean. Make sure you have a plan for your utilities and do a final walkthrough after moving day. Following these steps will help you prepare your old home before moving.